Tuesday, June 28, 2011


I am the luckiest Mommy in the world....I have the sweetest boys, they are so good and just make my heart so happy. Greyson is such a joy. There is something special about him, it's something I can't explain. He lights up the room and is such a happy good natured baby. His eyes just sparkle, you can feel his sweet spirit, I call him my Happy Soul. I seriously could just eat him up. Making him laugh is my favorite thing to do, and it is really easy because he laughs at everything :)A TOTAL time waister...actually, NOT a time waister. Time well spent. He is learning and grabbing at things(I call it the death grip, sometimes my neck looks like I have hickeys all over, ha, but really it is from his sweet fingers just squeezing the life out of me) he is so excited to play with his big bro. They will be the best of friends. Brayden tries to involve him with play Hot Wheel cars and bigger kid things...It's a hoot. Greyson would be all for it if he could only sit up for more than 1 minute :) He is very vocal. Squawks and Squeals....flaps his arms around, kicking legs. It's the cutest thing ever! I try to have my heart take a picture of these tender moments. They will never be this way again. How grateful I feel and how beautiful and blessed my life is.

My big Brayden boy. He is just getting to big. Agh, tears me up. But so happy that he is healthy and progressing. Next month people, PRE-SCHOOL....Don't know if I will be able to keep a dry eye. Okay I know I won't. I will try not to be the mom who's nose and hands are pressed against the glass window, eagerly waiting for my guy to tell me what he learned. This is a big step for him and ME! My baby.....sniff....He is so ready and will have a great learning experience. It's funny because in the last few weeks his conversations have become totally mature. Full, correct and complete sentences. An actual conversation....He is a total crack up and does act like a 14 year old. Already asking me, " Ummm, Mom when can you take me to the skate park? You can watch me if you want, but I will wear my helmet k..."

"What?!" Skatepark, correct me if I'm wrong, but do most 4 year olds ask that?

Which by the way he is on his BIG bike with NOOOOOOO training wheels. TADA!! Can you even believe it??!! As his Mommy I am bursting with pride! He rides like a pro, like he has been doing it for 10 years. Has not fallen one time, stops on a dime, and takes corners as sharp as they come. (pictures to come) Well, maybe I will take him to the skatepark. And I'll bring some bubble wrap.......Just in case! :)

I love My Boys!

Greatest Joy of My Life!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Running and Reading.

I am NOT a runner by ANY MEANS. But for the past month or so, I have really tried hard to run everyday! No marathon's or miles upon miles.(not yet anyway) No Forest Gump here. Running just for me, with just me. It is MY time, alone time, to think and have some sanity time. Focusing and clearing my head is almost an essential part of my life now. If I don't get my run in, or exercise everyday. I truly feel it! I am to the point where my body kind of craves it. Funny. I have always liked to be healthy and feel good. But for some reason I really am focusing on this goal. To be more active, make healthy choices, more so now then ever before. I want to be able to play with my kiddos and be the very best Mommy that I can be!
I have recently finished a book called “I Am A Runner”. It caught my eye at the library and in fact I chuckled under my breath and said, “Yeah, right.” This book was a good read. It was like having a coach with me. . Which was funny because the author is a High School Cross-Country Running Coach. But before that, holy smokes. Ironmans, after Marathon, after Tough-Guy contests, he just couldn't get enough. He admitted it almost became an addition to him. He wanted to make the Olympic Summer Team. He trained and ran races all around the world. Worked so hard. In the craziest brutal, grueling races that you could never imagine doing. Crazy things. Amazing Things. In the book he mentions that there should be NO EXCUSES. You can literally make and excuse for anything that you don't really want to do. It's you that will suffer in the end. You will feel the guilt and the nagging little voice saying,”You should have weeeennnttt!” No Regrets!! I learned things and thought differently about running then I ever had before. Yes, there are days that totally SUCK the first mile, but after that it does get easier. The satisfaction of running further and further feels so good. I also like to run at different times of the day. Mornings, Afternoon with the kiddos, (which I should totally invest in a jogging stroller, but pushing the beast of a stroller I have is good resistance)and I think I am partial to the night runs. Cool breeze and you can smell every aroma of plant as you run the neighborhood. Aghhh, sigh. Deep Breath. So Good. Just as the sun sets behind the mountains, people are heading indoors. It feels like just you, the pavement, and the occasional grassy patches I will run on.(which I love) soft, green, and lush. Feels good to have something softer to land on.
Yep, running is growing on me.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Warm & Fuzzy.

I had the fantastic opportunity to make some warm and fuzzy's inside and out! Lately I have been thinking what could I do to help someone. Where could I start? Well, I thought I could start small. I know it is not much but hopefully it will help someone somewhere. Looking at my sweet Greyson I thought, what about those Mom's who don't have anything? Not even a blanket to snuggle their new little angels? So I put together some fuzzy blankies, not anything super special but something to keep warm. I took them down to The Road Home shelter. It was amazing to see all the donations on the dock. A TON of diapers, clothes, and other essential items. I just hope that they will come in handy for a mother. I have so much and am so blessed.

It feels great to give a fuzzy.