Saturday, June 14, 2008

Growing so Fast!!!!

Make it stop!! My little guy is not so little anymore, I just cannot believe how the time has just flown by. It seems like I don't even have time to think about it at all. Our boy is just growing, changing, learning too fast. . . right before my eyes. Brady and I are so blessed and truly grateful for a happy go-lucky healthy boy!! And he is ALL BOY!!! He is just into everything, from cupboards to garbage cans to dog food and dog water :) Speaking of garbage cans. . EVERYTHING goes in the garbage can for instance T.V. remotes, kitchen utensils, toys, dish towels, picture frames, you name it he probably has put it in there. Anything he can get his little chubby hands on. So needless to say Mommy has to be extra careful when taking out the trash. We double check the smelly garbage on a daily basis. It certainly keeps life interesting for us. Not a dull moment around the Beyer household! Sometimes I catch myself thinking. . our lives were so boring before! What did we ever do without our little Brayden. We love this little life!!!


Steph said...

Isn't it funny to think about life before the crazy boy!! Ben and I say all of the time how boring our house used to be before noah!!! Brayden is so dang cute!

Nesting with Grace said...

Ella says "Hi Brayden Boyfriend"
Your mini cake ped looks cute on the couldn't help your self, noticed I didn't try to stop you :)
I want a STACY SPECIAL necklass with all the BLING
You are SO great! Love ya!

..{{bliss in the city}}.. said...

Brayden is so adorable Stace. He looks like he entertains you and keeps you busy...(even if it is at the expense of a new cell phone) :)
And I love the necklaces! You are so talented in so many ways.
Love ya! Jen

petal said...

petal said:
this little boy is sssoooo adorable!!! he is the absolute joy of gammy and gampy's life! full of energy, and is always discovering new things. He is busy! it is amazing to me how his mommy keeps up with him, with all she does!!
love you so much