Saturday, January 14, 2012

Art Show.

LeConte Stewart Art.
"Painting is more than expressing the apperance of things; 
it is expressing the spirit of things."
~LeConte Stewart.
Brady and I took in an Art Show the other night. Breathtaking and Stunning.
I have a deep appreciation for Art. Love the texture, color, the feeling you get when you look at a work of perfection.  And it doesn't hurt that my brother is an artist so I know the extreme thought and hard work that goes into every piece.  These are amazing.  It makes you feel like you are right there.  Sitting on that hilltop, looking out into a field, or seeing a unique frame of an old home.
I also LOVE history.  
Seeing a painting that was finished in the 1900's is unbelievable to me.  Seeing it right there, right in front of my eyes.  Knowing that it is decades old, wondering where it has been what it has seen, it's own story. It enriches my soul.
This artist paints mostly landscapes, rural Utah to be exact.  He also has some pieces that were painted in the great Depression years. Train cars, run down buildings, gas stations,  storefronts, they are beautiful.  He called it, "The raw side of life."  Brilliant.
I read something interesting about him, he mentioned that if he saw something that struck him, he HAD to paint it.  It was like an obsession, something deep within him screamed until he could paint it on canvas. A true Artist. 
These pictures are a wonder! His sketches were also on display, so detailed.
It was a fun evening.

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