Thursday, October 2, 2008

Couldn't be more perfect!

Brayden is such a great shopping buddy, Mom often drags him from store to store to store and he puts up with most every minute of it. But this shopping trip Brayden scored BIGTIME!!! I was on a hunt for yes, more furniture :) and I ended up at a secondhand store, I had Brayden in a cart and he started to yell and point, I thought he spotted this little horse on a stick (you know the kind that you pretend to gallop and ride on) NO WAY he shoved that thing aside and I was frantically looking around to see what his fuss was all about, sure enough 2 whole rows down was this motorcycle bike. I could not believe it! He spotted that so far away and I had no clue what all his yelling was about.... And now I know, I even laughed a little because this bike could not have been more perfect for our guy... SUCH A B-O-Y!!! He has not stopped playing with it, on it, off it, on it, off it, outside with it, pushing it, on it, off it..... Here are a few pic's, he is such a joy!!! So glad this little shopper has a good eye!!!


Steph said...

That bike is great! It is perfect for him...he is so cute! I can't belive he is big enough for a BIKE!!! How fun! Good find Brayden!

Nesting with Grace said...

Tell Brayden I am looking for a pink one like that for Ella...have him keep his eagle eyes open! You have him trained :)
Cute red boots...(by the way I caught the popular tin back splash and I LOVE it) I guess if that is how I have to see it so be it!

Britany said...

That is so stinkin' cute - "that" meaning the bike and Brayden. What a fun mom to buy him such a treasure! I love his wild hair!

Ali said...

SO cute!

..{{bliss in the city}}.. said...

How fun!! He is such a little cute!

Sheri said...

Wow, what a perfect find. That is great. I can't believe how different Cameron is compared to the girls. He already loves to drive cars and vroom them around. Brayden is going to be in heaven for a long time! You always find great stuff. Sweet!

Tara said... boys would be so jealous. Anything with wheels will do it for them. That is so perfect.

Phipps Family said...

That is the cutest thing. What a lucky boy to have such a fun toy. I can't get over how adorable he is.

Andrea said...

That is so awesome! My boys would love something like that! (BTW, I found your blog on Kristen's... hope you don't mind)